Die 1905 gegründete Traditionsmarke Red Wing betreibt seit Oktober 2016 auch in Wien eine eigene Niederlassung. Im 7ten Bezirk, umgeben von jungen Storekonzepten, traditionsreichen Unternehmen und aufregender Gastronomie, öffnete der 8te Red Wing Shoe Store Europas seine Pforten. Unser Red Wing Shoe Store bietet auf knapp 100 m2 die gesamte Red Wing Heritage Kollektion, Sondereditionen inklusive der Damenlinie an. Individuelle Fachberatung, Pflegetips und Erfahrungsaustausch inklusive. Weiters wird das Service der Neubesohlung mit Originalteilen aus den USA angeboten. Abgerundet wird das Schuh und Zubehör Angebot durch ausgewählte Produkte der Qualitätsmarken Filson und Stetson.
Red Wing Shoe Store Vienna
Lerchenfelder Straße 65
AT - 1070 Wien
tel: 0043 1 94 44 297
mail: info@redwingvienna.at
mo - fr: 10:00 - 18:00
sa: 10:00 - 17:00
The Classic Moc Toe
Reborn as a lifestyle boot with the launch of Red Wing Heritage in 2007, the Classic Moc continues to live on as a symbol of work and American-made footwear. Today, the Classic Moc is crafted with the same premium methods since its start over 70 years ago; continuing the legacy of quality that can be passed down for generations to come.
For more than a century,
Red Wing Shoe Company has built a reputation for making tough footwear for hard-working people.
Today, Red Wing Heritage boots and shoes are still handcrafted by skilled workers who take the time to make sure each pair lasts and protects like the fine tools they are.
meet the TEAM
Jakub Arnold
Store Owner
Tomas Like
Store Manager
Jeff Riegler
Store Assistant
Meet the Moc Toe 875
First introduced in 1952 (as the 877 8 inch Moc Toe) was designed for sportspeaople in mind. Earning the name "Irish Setter" from the unique russet leather color that martched the coat of a hunter´s comanion.
Shoe Care Products
Get the best Red Wing Shoe Care products at our store to extend the life time of your beloved Red Wing Shoes.
In-Store Events
Join us for our In-Store Events like Shoe Care Days, Anniversary Parties, Special Releases or other occasions! We always appreciate your visit!
Timeless products
Since 1905, Red Wing Shoes has never wavered in the commitment to quality.
By combining the finest leathers and premium materials with uncomprimising craft, Red Wing continues to build upon a legacy of US-made excellence to create iconic lifestyle footwear